Rethink Smoke and Fire Damages to HVAC Systems Webinar Recording
Some losses included in claims with HVAC systems may look like smoke and fire damages but aren’t. Know what to expect and which fire-related failures are common before settling another claim.
In the webinar Rethink Smoke and Fire Damages to HVAC Systems, Technical Education Manager Jay Dykstra discusses this peril’s effects on specific HVAC components and how to distinguish these damages from other causes of loss.
During the presentation, he’ll cover:
- Reported versus actual cause of loss for HVAC systems in claims
- HVAC components and system types frequently included in claims, such as condensing units, furnaces and air handlers, package units, and ductwork systems
- Evidence of smoke, fire, and heat damages to residential and commercial HVAC systems
- Real-life claim scenarios that show impacts caused by smoke and fire or other perils
Important: Pre-recorded webinars do not qualify for CE credit.