
Package Unit Glossary

All-in-One Package: The parts and functions of a package unit

While package units may not be the most popular residential HVAC systems (though they are still found in many homes), they’re quite common in the commercial space. If you have a policyholder come to you with a claim on their package unit, you want to make sure you are in the know when talking to the insured and the contractor. You don’t want to waste time sifting through document after document trying to figure out what each part mentioned in the estimate does. You want to get the claim processed as quickly and accurately as possible. 

To this end, we’ve created an HVAC package unit schematic and glossary that describes each component in plain terms. This way, you can look through it as you read a damage report or estimate and quickly know exactly what the contractor is talking about, allowing you to review it much more efficiently.

Don’t let yourself get slowed down by a package unit claim! Download your package unit glossary by filling out the form provided.

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