
Weird HVAC Claims Hall of Fame

In the claims industry, we all see our fair share of strange losses. As an adjuster, I’m sure you’ve seen your share of peculiar claims! HVAC losses are not different. They are often predictable: a unit was damaged by lightning; the copper piping was stolen out of a split system; there was a fire in the house, and smoke damaged the ductwork; a water line leaked and damaged the furnace; golf-ball sized hail dented the coil fins on the package unit. However, for every hundred standard losses, there is a strange counterpart submitted, and those are often more difficult to settle.

To help prepare adjusters for what these weird losses can look like (and to have a little fun), we asked our staff to nominate some of the weirdest claims that have come across their desks. We then compiled these claims into a hall of fame of sorts.

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